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End of an Ehh-ra

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | April 7, 2024 |

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | April 7, 2024 |


Call the Midwife on CBS at 8:00pm ET.

Tournament of Champions on Food Network at 8:00pm ET. Fifth season finale.

Mr Bates vs the Post Office on PBS at 9:00pm ET. Series premiere. I know this is about the actual British Post Office scandal where hundreds of people were prosecuted for theft and fraud due to a faulty computer system, but as a former Downton Abbey viewer I’m always inclined to side against a Mr. Bates in a British series. This series does feel extra timely as we start talking confidently about how computers can totally replace people doing all sorts of things again.

The Regime on HBO at 9:00pm ET. First season finale.

Curb Your Enthusiasm on HBO at 10:00pm ET. Series finale. The last episode is called “No Lessons Learned” which feels appropriate. If nothing else, this show literally saved a life once.