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Rat Races and Crazed Chimps

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | September 8, 2024 |

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | September 8, 2024 |


Snowpiercer on AMC+ at 3:01am ET.

Sunday Night Football: Los Angeles Rams at Detroit Lions on NBC at 8:15pm ET. It’s that time of year again.

Bob’s Burgers on Fox at 8:30pm ET. This is coming after the premiere of Fox’s new animated comedy, Universal Basic Guys, a show about two guys who get laid off and then get a Universal Basic Income of $3K a month. Hijinks, presumably, ensue. Which sounds like it could be an episode of Bob’s Burgers, but they’re just going to make a whole show about it.

Industry on HBO at 9:00pm ET. Do you think HBO just rolled over the reservation on the private jet they used for Succession to this show?

Chimp Crazy on HBO at 10:02pm ET. First season finale.