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This is Not the Dreamhouse Challenge

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | August 1, 2023 |

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | August 1, 2023 |


America’s Got Talent on NBC at 8:00pm ET.

Bering Sea Gold on Discovery at 9:00pm ET. 16th season premiere.

Dark Side of the 2000s on Vice at 9:00pm ET. Tonight’s episode focuses on Lindsay Lohan.

Love Island on Peacock at 9:00pm ET. One of the funniest things about this show is how the entire “villa” looks like it’s about to blow over in a stiff wind. It looks like a plastic doll house which is visually appealing on a certain level, but practically I don’t think half the guys in the house could lean their entire weight against a wall without it collapsing.

Justified: City Primeval on FX at 10:00pm ET.