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From Bewitching Eyes to Being a Witch

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | January 8, 2023 |

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | January 8, 2023 |


Alert on Fox at 8:00pm ET. Series premiere. This is a new “kidnapping drama” which sounds horrible. And I’m someone with a relatively high tolerance for procedurals.

Miss Scarlet & The Duke on PBS at 8:00pm ET. Third season premiere.

Anne Rice’s Mayfair Witches on AMC, IFC, BBCA, WE, and Sundance at 9:00pm ET. Series premiere. This is also obviously on AMC+ early in the morning, AMC is betting big on the combination of Anne Rice and Alexandra Daddario. I didn’t see this many cross-over networks for Interview with the Vampire so maybe the success of that is fueling the big push for this.

Bob’s Burgers on Fox at 9:00pm ET. 13th season winter premiere.

George & Tammy on Showtime at 9:00pm ET. First season finale.