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Costumes That Make Elton Look Restrained

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | October 18, 2023 |

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | October 18, 2023 |


The Morning Show on Apple TV+ at 12:01am ET.

The Masked Singer on Fox at 8:00pm ET. Tonight you can watch a series of Eldritch horrors sing Elton John songs.

Survivor on CBS at 8:00pm ET.

Chucky on Syfy and USA at 9:00pm ET.

American Horror Story on FX at 10:00pm ET. 12th season fall finale. I tried to watch some of this season and it, once again, seemed to burn through about half a season’s worth of plot in two episodes and I was not particularly interested in seeing how much further off the rails things were going to go. If you are waiting to see how bad things are going to get, you’ll have to wait a while to find out.