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Mesh Scrimmage Jerseys: The Great Equalizer

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | April 1, 2024 |

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | April 1, 2024 |


All American on The CW at 8:00pm ET. Sixth season premiere. I was looking this up to see how a high school show was managing a sixth season and I think the Google episode guides are using AI because this is how the description of this episode starts: “It’s the start of a new school year and Spencer and Jordan are officially eligible to enter the NFL draught”.

NCIS on CBS at 9:00pm ET.

Stupid Pet Tricks on TBS at 9:00pm ET. I’m still amazed these shows exist in the era of YouTube, TikTok, and smartphones.

The Synanon Fix on HBO at 9:00pm ET. Series premiere. Hey, do you like documentaries about cults? Someone must, because there seem to be a lot of them these days and here’s another one.

The Interrogation Tapes on ABC at 10:01pm ET. Series premiere. This is just a show about taped police interrogations using those actual tapes. That’s a waste of a somewhat compelling title, because this feels like the title of some kind of scripted mystery drama that would be intriguing.