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The Grammys Have Already Peaked for Tonight

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | February 5, 2023 |

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | February 5, 2023 |


1923 on Paramount+ at 3:01am ET.

The 65th Annual Grammy Awards on CBS at 8:00pm ET. Special presentation. The Grammys have already been going on for hours, which is why you’ve probably seen the news that Viola Davis has officially become the 18th person to win an EGOT! What’s a Harry Styles performance compared to that?

All Creatures Great and Small on PBS at 9:00pm ET.

The Last of Us on HBO at 9:00pm ET.

Murder in Big Horn on Showtime at 10:00pm ET. Series premiere. This is a series about the missing and murdered Indigenous women in the Big Horn County area of Montana. The series will feature the perspectives of the local law enforcement officers, Native journalists, and Native American families.