By Dustin Rowles | TV | April 6, 2012 |
By Dustin Rowles | TV | April 6, 2012 |
1. Crap, when it hits the fan, sounds like silence.
2. In war, casualties are inevitable.
3. Just because something is in black and white doesn’t mean it’s good.
4. FERRIS BUELLERIAN is the best new word of 2012.
5. No one at Greendale Community College actually goes to class.
6. The South might have won the Civil War if it’d had the Changlorious Basterds in their camp.
7. It’s incredibly easy to make Troy cry and he’s ashamed of it.
8. Magical friendship hats are awesome.
9. Keith David was definitely in “The Cape.”
10. Ken Burns’ Civil War has never been this cool.
11. Pierce Hawthorne just inspired next Halloween’s most popular costume.
12. We should do more to support Greendale Community Television.
13. Leonard likes this post.