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'The Walking Dead's' Norman Reedus On What's Different About The Wolves

By Dustin Rowles | The Walking Dead | March 30, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | The Walking Dead | March 30, 2015 |

Though I am a little bummed that last night’s gripping season finale of The Walking Dead didn’t see The Wolves invading Alexandria already, at least we do have a menacing presence to look forward to in season six. They look vicious, although with Scott Gimple already declaring that the biggest threat in season six won’t be humans, I’m not sure how long the Wolves will stick around.

With five seasons and a lot of threats in the rear view now, The Walking Dead will need to figure out new ways to differentiate the villains. In his post-mortem for the season finale, Norman Reedus touched upon what makes The Wolves different than, say, Gareth and the gang from Terminus:

Terminus did horrible things behind the wall; they were a wimpy and in a cowardly way tricked people to going there and then they did their evil business once you got behind their walls. These guys are roamers and they seem like a whole bunch of Daryls gone south who have gone really bad and turned into wolves. They’re probably on the move; I don’t think they’re afraid to butcher people in front of people. They seem different than Terminus; Terminus was more cowardly. They would trick you into coming to Disneyland and then eat you.

It looks like from last night’s finale that The Wolves are actually turning zombies into their own terrifying Disneyland, a horror show of house music and torn flesh. It’s going to be a long seven months until The Walking Dead returns, but I am excited as hell to see the Wolves bring some more of that bloody chaos into the mix.

Source: THR