By Dustin Rowles | The Walking Dead | August 31, 2016 |
By Dustin Rowles | The Walking Dead | August 31, 2016 |
We want to thank you all for taking our television survey over the weekend (and if you haven’t yet, please do!) and based on the results so far, I’m impressed with where the passion of our readers resides. And by shows that you feel most passionate about, I’m not talking about the shows you watch the most; I’m talking about shows that those of you who do watch feel very invested in.
Going into the fall and beyond, this list will actually act as a guide for us, so that we know where we should focus our attention. That’s not to say that we won’t introduce other shows ( we will never stop beating the You’re the Worst drum, or that we won’t continue to cover shows that are watched frequently by our audience (The Walking Dead), but this list gives us a very good sense of what kind of readers we have. To be honest, based on this list, our readers tend to reflect our own passionate preferences.
There are some shows that we’re not included in the survey (UnReal, The Leftovers, to name a couple) and I only included shows that are still running.
15. Better Call Saul — Some if it no doubt is the residual goodwill from Breaking Bad, but this is nevertheless a fantastic show. Without Mad Men or Breaking Bad on the air anymore, it may also be the most layered on television.
14. Mr. Robot — The newest show on the list, Mr. Robot also benefits from a lot of our readers currently watching, though I’ll be curious to see if the passion still remains after this week’s (postponed) finale.
13. Silicon Valley — One of the best comedies on television is also one of the hardest to write about. We want to cover this more, but also, there’s only so many ways we can write, “Holy shit, this is an amazing comedy” (although, we did recognize some of its issues this season).
12. Orange is the New Black — Another show that’s hard to write about because, on Netflix, these series come and quickly disappear. We get a good week of everyone talking about OiTNB, but then the majority moves on while the rest pick it up over the course of many months.
11. Orphan Black — Even for our site, Orphan Black is a very little watched series, but those that do watch are madly in love with the show and willing to excuse the fact that — for a while during the third season, anyway — it made no goddamn sense.
10. Veep — Another little-watched series within our world, it’s nevertheless very beloved by those of us who do watch.
9. Agent Carter — I do wonder how much of the passion for the show is for the actual series and how much is for Hayley Atwell? Because the series was fine, but outside the series, Atwell is tremendous.
8. Archer — For those of you who repeatedly complain that we don’t write enough about Archer around here, you have been validated. On the other hand, we do write a fair amount about the series, but for the Archer superfan, it’s clearly not enough (this is a good piece, though).
7. Fargo — I wonder how many of you were watching Fargo on Hulu while taking this survey, because where were you all at while the show was airing? I sometimes feel like we should cover shows like Fargo twice: Once while it airs, and again six months later when it premieres on streaming.
6. Brooklyn Nine-Nine — I knew it was beloved, but I had no idea it was this beloved. Get ready for a full season of Tiny Terry GIF explosions.
5. Daredevil — We beat that drum for 10 days! And then everyone had already seen it and everyone stopped listening to the drum beats. Stupid Netflix. We want a 3-month window to beat that drum!
4. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt — Kimmy kind of sneaked up on us this first season. We expected a a decent sitcom. We didn’t expect one of the best sitcoms of the year. Next season, Kimmy will get the full court press.
3. Sherlock — It’s funny, because if we’d taken this survey five years ago, Doctor Who would probably be in this slot, but Steven Moffat has taken a lot of shine off our passion. Yet, that passion still exists with Sherlock, although it’s not always positive passion.
2. Game of Thrones — And now you know why we write about Game of Thrones so much. Because we like to! And you guys like to read these pieces.
1. Last Week Tonight — We did not need a survey to know this.
Other takeaways from the survey: No one is passionate about any of the new dramas coming out this year (Fear the Walking Dead and Supergirl are the only ones that really register and both have the benefit of high name recognition) and beyond The Muppets and — to some degree, Ash vs. Evil Dead — you’re not that excited about any of the new comedies, either. Hopefully, a few will surprise us.
Also, you guys don’t give a shit about reality TV. You are our people.