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Robert Kirkman Says That Daryl Dixon Is Not Safe on 'The Walking Dead,' Norman Reedus Lines Up Another 'Boondocks,' Just in Case

By Dustin Rowles | The Walking Dead | December 23, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | The Walking Dead | December 23, 2014 |

Norman Reedus has spent some of his Christmas week keeping The Walking Dead’s marketing torch aflame by answering questions in a Reddit AMA about his character, Daryl Dixon, who is DEFINITELY not gay, but who was recently named MTV’s character of the year.

There wasn’t too much by way of details in the Reddit AMA, except that he said that there was the possibility that he and Beth could’ve hooked up, had that thing that happened to Beth in the midseason finale not happened. To that point, he also noted that the midseason finale was the saddest episode of the series he’d done so far.

But what about the back half of season 5? What can we expect? Will there be any more devastating moments?

“well, duh. there’s some crazy stuff coming,” he said. “like crazy crazy.” Yeah, but how crazy, Norman? “like like. like 74 crazies.”

That’s a lot of crazy. And what about a potential romance for his character, with a woman and DEFINITELY not Rick Grimes.?

i like where daryls going i really do . its interesting . the ups and downs the back and forths . love story i dunno never say never .carol and daryl are pretty close and respect each other and have each others backs.

So, that’s official, right? Daryl and Carol are gonna make bad-ass apocalyptic babies together. Unless, of course, those “74 crazies” include the death of Daryl?

It’s not out of the realm of possibility, so says Robert Kirkman. Asked about the process of killing off a character on the series, Kirkman admitted that it’s difficult but also noted that “no one is safe. I’m looking at you, Norman Reedus.”

Meanwhile, Norman Reedus confirmed that Boondock Saints 3 is happening. But I’m sure that’s just a coincidence. Right?