By Dustin Rowles | The Leftovers | October 25, 2015 |
By Dustin Rowles | The Leftovers | October 25, 2015 |
As we partially surmised two weeks ago, we found out in tonight’s episode of The Leftovers, “Orange Sticker” that there was a perfectly rational explanation for part of what happened to the drained pond in Miracle, Texas (and it seems almost obvious in retrospect): Kevin did not simply wake up in a drained pond. He slept-walked, tied a brick around his foot, and threw himself in with the intention of killing himself. The earthquake, however, opened up a fault beneath the pond, which caused the water to drain away (apparently, very quickly), allowing Kevin to survive.
It does not answer, however, what happened to Evie and her friends, but if Patti is right, they vanished in another departure.
Then again, Patti is not real, so what the fuck does she know?
Well, she knew exactly where Kevin’s cell phone was, so maybe she does know?
On the other hand, as Nora insists, there was only one departure. There will never be another departure, which suggests that Evie framed it so that it would appear that she departed when she actually used it as an excuse to leave her family behind.
Is there any evidence to support such a notion?
Yes, yes there is.
Here’s a few clues that may suggest Evie didn’t depart; she ran away.
1) In the opening episode, Evie and her friends were running naked through the forest.
Why would they do such a thing? Was it a a dry run for their escape. I also can’t help but wonder why those three women, after flirting with Dr. Goodheart and playfully swimming in the pond in that opening episode then got in their car to drive home, and didn’t say a word: They looked positively pensive.
2) The night before Evie disappeared, she and her Mom were having an argument in sign language so that John could not hear them. We have no idea what they were saying. What were they arguing about? There was no context provided for this conversation. Is Erika in on this, as well?
3) Before she left on the night of her disappearance, Evie gave her Dad a present and said, “Don’t open it until I’m gone.” He still hasn’t opened it. Could it offer a clue? A suggestion that she intentionally left? Maybe she was running away from her father, a man who burns down houses, and who spent 6 years in prison for attempted murder. Maybe her Mom was helping her to get away from him?
3) Remember the cave woman from the opening episode of the season? Her family got trapped in a cave during an earthquake. Is it possible that Evie and her friends were also trapped in a nearby collapsing cave during the Earthquake? Lindelof has said that the cave woman sequence in that episode will ripple throughout the rest of the season.
Going back to the cavewoman, she was bitten by a snake after eating an egg out of a tree. In Biblical terms, the egg could represent the apple, the snake Satan, and the area the Garden of Eden.
Consider the real name of Miracle, Texas is Jarden, as in Garden. Also, Evie’s name: Eve. Maybe Ev(i)e was being banished from the Jarden of Eden?
Take it one step further: Isaac, the guy who shot John after John burned down his house. In the Bible, Isaac was the son of Abraham, who was supposed to sacrifice Isaac, but at the last minute, God changed his mind and had Abraham sacrifice a goat, instead.
Too far?
Finally, if you’re asking: That somber version of “You’re the One that I Want,” from the movie Grease playing at the end of this week’s episode is by the band Lo-Fang. It’s goddamn great.