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The Station Agents Ep. 86: TV's Surprising Sexiest Moment Edition

By Dustin Rowles | Station Agents | November 18, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Station Agents | November 18, 2014 |

This week on the Station Agents, Joanna Robinson from Vanity Fair, Josh Kurp from Uproxx, and myself chatted at length about the ridiculous turn Sons of Anarchy has taken, a fanastic The Walking Dead episode, and the continued improvement of Newsroom. We also commiserated over the cancellation of Selfie, and the hottest move of the fall season.


You can download the full episode here, or listen to it below.

And make sure to subscribe in iTunes!

Show notes below.

2:40 Sons of Anarchy

8:04 Selfie

9:05 The Good Wife

12:00 Justified

13:00 The Good Wife

14:05 The Newsroom

21:30 S.N.L.

28:00 Over the Garden Wall

30:30 The Walking Dead

36:30 The Comeback

37:50 Shows We’ve Given Up On

38:20 The Affair

39:00 State of Affairs

39:20 Agents S.H.I.E.L.D.

40:40 Quick hits but no real spoilers on Parenthood, The Missing, American Horror Story, Homeland, Southpark, Key & Peele, Bob Burgers

44:48 Westworld