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The Station Agents Ep 74: 'Leftovers Actually' Edition

By Corey Atad | Station Agents | August 5, 2014 |

By Corey Atad | Station Agents | August 5, 2014 |

The gang is back! Vanity Fair’s Joanna Robinson and Uproxx’s Josh Kurp are rejoined by fanatical (and potentially vindicated) Leftovers defender, Dustin Rowles. The trio covers the week in TV including Dustin’s favourite relentlessly bleak drama, as well as other relentlessly bleak dramas like The Bridge and The Honourable Woman. There’s also some Rectify, Manhattan and Last Week Tonight. This summer of TV is no parade of kittens, but we’re all getting through it together.

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Here’s Show Notes For The Spoilerphobes!

0:00 - Intro
2:15 - Nathan for You
7:00 - Last Week Tonight/True Blood
9:00 - You’re the Worst/Married
11:50 - The Bridge
17:30 - Manhattan
20:20 - The Legend of Korra
22:45 - The Honourable Woman
26:20 - Rectify
31:35 - The Leftovers
42:00 - Outro

(For those listening on iTunes, the Apple Podcasts app, or other Enhanced AAC-compatible software, the audio file contains chapter markers for your skipping convenience.)

A very special thanks to Jasmine Markes who designed our logo.

You can follow Corey Atad on Twitter, or listen to his Mad Men podcast, Not Great, Pod!