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The Station Agents Ep 69: 'Cast Your Baby Bets' Edition

By Corey Atad | Station Agents | July 2, 2014 |

By Corey Atad | Station Agents | July 2, 2014 |

Good day fellow travellers and welcome to another episode of The Station Agents, a podcast about the week in television. Ser Kurp is away this week, but fear not, the (vanity) fair Lady Robinson and dastardly pajiban Rowles are joined by the endlessly wonderful Courtney Enlow. The trio venture into the deep dark wood of Summer TV, consuming The Leftovers, vanquishing the Tyrant, giving Cate Blanchett to Steven Moffat’s Doctor Who, confronting the reanimated corpse that is Girl Meets World, and finding enlightenment in Bet on Your Baby and the Uniboob.

Find all that adventure and more by Right-clicking here to download!

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Here’s Show Notes For The Spoilerphobes!

0:00 - Intro
3:00 - Bet on Your Baby
7:00 - Awful Summer TV
11:00 - Summer Catch-Ups and Rewatches
17:10 - Tyrant
19:15 - The Leftovers
29:10 - Last Week Tonight/True Blood/Suits
31:00 - Girl Meets World
38:00 - Rectify
40:10 - Penny Dreadful
43:30 - Doctor Who
47:00 - Upcoming Summer TV
52:30 - Outro

(For those listening on iTunes, the Apple Podcasts app, or other Enhanced AAC-compatible software, the audio file contains chapter markers for your skipping convenience.)

A very special thanks to Jasmine Markes who designed our logo.

You can follow Corey Atad on Twitter, or listen to his Mad Men podcast, Not Great, Pod!