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The Station Agents Ep 60: The One Where We Talk About That 'Game of Thrones' Scene (With Special Guest Courtney Enlow)

By Dustin Rowles | Station Agents | April 22, 2014 |

By Dustin Rowles | Station Agents | April 22, 2014 |

This week’s Station Agents podcast is below, and once again, Vanity’s Fair’s Joanna Robinson and Uproxx’s Josh Kurp tackle the week in television with a special guest, our own Courtney Enlow, who introduces RuPaul into the conversation and takes us back into the 90s for a long digression into TGIF, Nickelodeon shows, and WGN. As always, there was drinking, and by the end of the podcast, probably a lot of word slurring, which is perfect for heavy discussions about Game of Thrones.

Here’s the link to download the podcast or head on over to iTunes or play it right here in your browser.

Here’s Show Notes For The Spoilerphobes!

0:00 - Intro
1:50 - RuPaul’s Drag Race
6:30 - Rick and Morty
7:30 - Veep
9:00 - Salem, WGN and the 90s
19:55 - Mad Men
27:40 - New Girl
29:40 - Community
36:25 - Fargo
44:20 - Rosemary’s Baby
48:20 - Orphan Black
53:05 - The Good Wife
54:30 - Game of Thrones
1:03:15 - Parks and Rec

A very special thanks to Jasmine Markes who designed our logo and our magnificent tech guru, Corey Atad, who has his own Mad Men podcast with our own Sarah Carson, perfectly named NOT GREAT, POD.