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The Station Agents Ep. 35: Give Baby Holly An Emmy Edition

By Joanna Robinson | Station Agents | September 17, 2013 |

By Joanna Robinson | Station Agents | September 17, 2013 |

In which Josh, Dustin and Joanna try really hard not to gush about Breaking Bad for the full hour. If you want to catch up with The Station Agents when they’re not on duty, you can check out Josh’s amazing trip to the Breaking Bad set and hear Joanna blather about The Newsroom or The Legend Of Korra. Your choice! But you have to pick one. If you’re spoilerphobic, please make use of the show notes we’ve included at the bottom of this page to help you navigate spoilers. You can find every episode of the podcast at, you can suscribe via RSS or via iTunes and you can shoot us an email any old time at [email protected] to let us know what you think of the show.

Download the most recent episode or head on over to iTunes or play it right here in your browser.

Show Notes For The Spoilerphobes!
1:25 “Weekly 5”
2:34 “Comedy Bang Bang”
3:59 “The League”
6:33 “It’s Always Sunny…”
7:13 “Sons of Anarchy”
13:18 “The Legend of Korra”
15:30 “Boardwalk Empire”
18:57 “Broadchurch”
23:19 “The Newsroom”
31:38 “Breaking Bad”

A very special thanks to Jasmine Markes who designed our logo and our magnificent tech guru, Corey Atad.