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Will Luke Skywalker Switch to the Dark Side? Mark Hamill Told J.J. Abrams He Wanted To in 2005

By Dustin Rowles | Star Wars | October 22, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Star Wars | October 22, 2015 |

This probably is nothing, but with Mark Hamill’s Luke Skywalker missing from both the newly released poster and the latest trailer, conspiracy theories abound, ranging from speculation that Luke is the new Yoda to Luke is actually Kylo Ren (which is absurd, because Adam Driver is Kylo Ren).

What could explain his absence? Perhaps Skywalker has switched to the dark side? After all, that’s exactly what Mark Hamill wanted to do with the character in Return of the Jedi, as he explained in a 2005 episode of Kevin Smith’s Dinner with Five, as he was sitting across from JJ Abrams himself.

“As an actor that would be more fun to play. I just thought that’s the way it was going from when we finished [Empire]. I figured that’s what will be the pivotal moment. I’ll have to come back, but it will be I have Han Solo in my crosshairs and I’ll be about to kill him or about to kill the Princess or about to kill somebody that we care about. It’s an old cornball movie, like World War II movies.”

Is it possible that Hamill planted a seed a decade ago that J.J. Abrams inserted into the screenplay, watched it flower, and then hid it from us in trailers?

It would be an intriguing turn.

Check in at 11:45 for the conversation (which also covers Hamill’s thoughts on Hayden Christiansen’s Anakin Skywalker).

via AV Club