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Wil Wheaton and a CBS News Reporter Got Into a Spirited Argument Over 'Rogue One'

By Dustin Rowles | Star Wars | December 20, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Star Wars | December 20, 2016 |

CBS news reporter Sopan Deb was one of the better reporters on the Donald Trump campaign trail this year. He and NBC’s Katy Tur seemed to strike up a great friendship over the year, as both were often targets of Trump and his supporters. In fact, Deb was arrested earlier this year for reporting on violence at a Trump rally.

Anyway, there’s nothing extraordinary about this Twitter exchange between Sopan Deb and Wil Wheaton, except that it happened at all. It’s two different worlds — nerd culture and politics — colliding and ribbing each other over a shared love of sci-fi, and it is delightful, even more so because it’s the former Star Trek cast member defending Star Wars.

Basically this: