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Old and New 'Star Wars' Concept Art May Give Rise to a Theory About 'The Force Awakens'' Rey

By Cindy Davis | Star Wars | February 11, 2016 |

By Cindy Davis | Star Wars | February 11, 2016 |

***Spoiler Alert: This post contains Spoilers for The Force Awakens. If you haven’t seen the film, hit your browser’s back button STAT. I repeat, Spoilers!***


One of the main questions everyone who’s seen TFA comes out of the theater pondering is, “Who are Rey’s parents?” The most obvious answer seems to be Luke Skywalker; after all, when she touches Luke’s lightsaber, Rey experiences a powerful vision. Like Luke, she’s an excellent pilot, speaks droid, and has natural Force abilities. Oh, and Rey just happens to be the person who returns Luke’s lightsaber to him; that’s no accident. I am firmly Team Luke Is Rey’s Father, and I have a fantastic idea about who should play her mother, but that’s neither here nor there. Well, it’s a little bit here, but let’s concentrate on possible fathers right now.

Many people are Team Rey Is a Descendant of Obi-Wan Kenobi, which while a delightful thought, seems difficult to work out. Some speculate that Kenobi could have secretly fathered a child during his exile on Tatooine, therefore Rey could be his granddaughter. This guy has it all worked out, and a good deal of his theory rests on their costume similarity.

In that vein, the third most common theory being bandied about is that Rey is Kylo Ren’s twin, and Leia and Han’s daughter. This is by far my least favorite of the possibilities; for one thing, I can’t imagine Leia not breaking her silence when Solo is killed, no matter how much she would want to protect Rey. However, yesterday the mister sent me a link to some interesting bits of concept art, some of which included depictions of a young Han Solo from when there was a plan for him to appear in Revenge of the Sith. In a cool, never-seen aside, we would have learned (and perhaps they’ll go this direction in the 2018 anthology film) that young Solo was raised by Chewbacca! Had he appeared in RotS, Solo would have been seen as a ten year old boy; here’s the concept art by Iain McCaig:


And, here is TFA concept art for Rey (formerly known as “Kira”) from The Art of Star Wars: The Force Awakens:



It’s hard not to see some similarities between their look, though Rey’s final costume definitely bears more resemblance to Luke’s and Obi-Wan’s. But hey, maybe that’s why it was changed…dun dun dun.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)