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5 Possible Reasons George Lucas Doesn't Give a Sh*t About J.J. Abrams' 'Star Wars' Trailer

By Cindy Davis | Star Wars | December 10, 2014 |

By Cindy Davis | Star Wars | December 10, 2014 |

Could it be that George Lucas — creator of the entire Star Wars universe — is the only person on the planet who hasn’t seen The Force Awakens trailer? When Page Six asked the director what he thought about the tease for J. J. Abrams 2015 outing, Lucas replied: “I don’t know anything about it. I haven’t seen it yet.”

Say what? Come on; if someone was picking up something you’d spent umpteen years thinking up, writing and making kazillionty-dollar earning movies about, wouldn’t you at least be the teensiest bit curious? Like, firing up YouTube the *second* that bitch hit the airwaves? Not Lucas…dude is chill. But let’s think about this; why would he be so indifferent?

1. He Hated the Lost Ending, and Abrams’ Star Trek.


Well, we can’t exactly blame him. Give it time, man, the anger might fade.

2. He Doesn’t Want to get Sucked into Those Nasty Clone Wars.


Nobody wants a piece of that bullshit racist pie. And by the by, though the first Stormtroopers were clones, humans were later added to the ranks (Han Solo attended the Imperial Academy!). (H/T the mister)

3. He’s Super-Pissed About Not Thinking up That Cool Firesaber.


Bitter, party of one?

4. He’s Waiting for J.J. to Send Him a Personal Screener.

I mean, come on — it’s the least Abrams could do.

5. He’s Pretending to Be Too Busy-cool to Care.

Lucas tried to come up with a good cover story, saying “”It’s not in the movie theater. I like going to the movies and watching the whole thing there.” Mmm-hmm…

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)