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Target's Toy Section Goes Gender Neutral and Social Media Loses Its Mind

By Kristy Puchko | Lists | August 17, 2015 |

By Kristy Puchko | Lists | August 17, 2015 |

Earlier this month, Target announced that it would go gender neutral in its toys and children’s bedding section. No more would there be signs declaring which items were meant for boys and which for girls. No more color coded shelves that suggest to kids what they are expected to like.

It’s the kind of change some advocates have been calling for for a while. And as a child-free liberal who well remembers the frustration of being told that Legos and Nerf Sharpshooters weren’t for girls, I thought, ‘Good for Target.’ But I didn’t realize the ramifications such a move would have on our nation and our poor playtime-addicted children.

Thankfully, there are those unafraid to speak truth to power, or irrational anger to Target. Facebook and Twitter is blowing up with former customers proclaiming they will boycott the store over this new policy. At first, I didn’t understand. But through their cries, I now realize the dark reality that lies ahead of us.

Buying toys just got a lot more complicated.

All but gender-neutral people will be barred from buying toys at Target.

You’ll go to hell for buying your daughter that Batman action figure.


Without being told their toys are for their gender, your kids will become genderless!

Or maybe transgender?

Having a gender will become a crime.

America as a whole will be pussyified. That’s a bad thing.

We can’t even boycott properly, because DAMN NUETRALS!

And Target thinks this all just some big joke.


H/T to Adweek for the Facebook posts.

Kristy Puchko loved her Ice Capades Barbie and her Nerf Sharpshooter more than most things.