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This Is Why I'm F*cked Up In The Head: 15 of My Childhood-Defining Movies Turn 30 This Year

By Jodi Smith | Lists | March 18, 2015 |

By Jodi Smith | Lists | March 18, 2015 |

It turns out that 1985 was a very, very good year for movies that hold a special place in my heart. It was a time when kids cursed, hair was big, and a teenage boy hanging out with a much older scientist/inventor/nutbag wasn’t seen as odd or rape-y. It was a simpler time, ruled by coke-fueled movie pitches and originality.

As odd as some of these choices may seem, and though I may not have seen them until they hit cable, they were all films of my childhood. My under-supervised, slightly fucked-up, amazing childhood. Thanks to Mom, Dad, and HBO.

1. The Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club Quotes, Best, Sayings, Movie .jpg

2. Back to the Future

3. Teen Wolf - “I’m not a f**. I’m… a werewolf.”

4. The Goonies

5. Clue

6. Cocoon - “Whoa, that’ll make your ol’ ball sack shrivel up.”

7. The Color Purple - ” I curse you. Until you do right by me everything you think about is gonna crumble!”

8. Desperately Seeking Susan - “Desperately seeking Susan. Meet me, four o’clock, Battery Park. Keep the faith. Love, Jim.”

9. Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome - “One day, cock of the walk. Next, a feather duster.”

10. The Legend of Billie Jean - “FAIR IS FAIR!”

11. Legend - “May be innocent, may be sweet… ain’t half as nice as rotting meat.”

12. National Lampoon’s European Vacation - “Oink oink, my good man!”

13. Pee Wee’s Big Adventure

14. Sweet Dreams - “Well people in hell want ice water - that don’t mean they get it.”

15. Weird Science