By The Pajiba Staff | Lists | December 15, 2014 |
By The Pajiba Staff | Lists | December 15, 2014 |
Few things satisfy more than a great one-liner. Gone With the Wind’s “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn,” Sudden Impact’s “Go ahead, make my day,” and Batman & Robin’s “Ice to see you.” It would be difficult to find a single film buffs who hasn’t heard these three two iconic quotes in some context. Because a truly fantastic line doesn’t just perfectly punctuate a moment. It embeds itself in the pop culture fabric for generations.
Below, we’ve complied the memorable lines from this year’s movies, television, and real-world events that may have staying power. “HOW COULD ______________ NOT BE ON THE LIST?!” you’ll rage-ask. Because pop culture world is huge and we don’t have space to include every awesome quip. Or we forgot. Fortunately, the comments section is your huckleberry. Add your favorite line to become eligible for the gift that keeps on giving the whole year ‘round: a Disqus upvote!
This entire list could be Jonah quotes. It almost was:
Hard to pick just one line from Amy Schumer’s phenomenal Aaron Sorkin parody, but we’ll go with this gem:
Rust Cohle may get the pub. But these Lorne Malvo was just as eloquent and twice as diabolical:
Speaking of our nihilistic award-siphoning policeman:
Can’t remember the last time I felt bad for laughing like a goddamn maniac:
There’s no way we’re typing out Silicon Valley’s incredible dick joke. Just click the picture to experience the entire scene in its full glory:
Irrefutable logic:
“Yes, crazy guy? It’s Babies R’ Us following up with you about the job interview. Thanks for your time, but, um, we’re going to go in another direction.”
“Actually, it’s about ethics in games journalism.” — Antisocial Garbage People
“‘I can talk down to you because I had a successful sitcom.’ Yeah, but you raped women, Bill Cosby, so turn the crazy down a couple notches. ‘I don’t curse onstage.’ Well, yeah, you’re a rapist. I’ll take you sayin’ lots of ‘motherfuckers’ on Bill Cosby: Himself if you weren’t a rapist.” — Hannibal Burress
“My mother tells stories of growing up in Andrews, South Carolina, and the black people had to go to the vet to get their teeth pulled out. And you still had to go to the back door, because if the white people knew the vet had used his instruments on black people, they wouldn’t take their pets to the vet. This is not some person I read about. This is my mother.” — Chris Rock
“I can’t breathe.” — Eric Garner
“Yes all women.” — Women
“It bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you’re associating with black people.” — Donald Sterling
“Every Thanksgiving table should be blessed with the presence of a long-married pair who bring out the best in each other, are completely enamored despite their differences.” — Martha Stewart, passive-aggressively emptying a clip full of hollow-points into Queen Goop