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The Thing Emerges From The Sea Thanks To Unwitting Fisherman, Damning Us All

By Jodi Smith | Lists | December 13, 2018 |

By Jodi Smith | Lists | December 13, 2018 |


In Russia lives a fisherman named Roman Fedortsov. During his work trawling aquatic species meant to feed the masses, Fedortsov sometimes pulls horrifically disgusting creatures from the hellscape known as the deep sea. Back in early November, he shared a smiling sea worm that came up with his less terrifying prey.

The noise in that video is not from the creature, as it is silent but deadly. Just like The Thing in the movie…uh…The Thing. Scientists claim this smiling worm is a polychaete, AKA marine bristle worm. They live in bodies of water all over the place and have just the worst damned shape. I guarantee that a drunken sea witch laid a curse upon an alien left to haunt the deep waters of the ocean and IT IS THIS WORM.

Not only has Fedortsov obviously unleashed a cunning predator into our midst, but his Twitter is full of other disgusting aquatic species best left in the dark of the ocean.

This one looks like Kermit the Frog strained too hard on a poop and died on the toilet:

Oh, look! Rotten sea cenobites teamed up with a soul-stealing blob of teeth that carries its own headlamp!


Scientists continually assure us that these creatures are not straight from a fifth-level hellscape, but perfectly normal and suited for the ocean depths
in which they live. But are you really going to believe people that want you to eat six French fries as one serving or stop eating raw cookie dough? ARM YOURSELVES, FRIENDS. THE DEEP SEA INVASION IS SOON UPON US!