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The Overlords List Their Favorite Rom-Coms

By Tori Preston | Lists | October 26, 2017 |

By Tori Preston | Lists | October 26, 2017 |

I know, I know — we’re days away from Halloween. This is the time of year when we’re supposed to be watching horror films 24/7 and getting our scare on. But the thing is, I love horror movies all the time anyway. I don’t need permission to indulge. And while it’s nice to randomly stumble across Jason X while I’m flipping through channels, it’s not like it’s even that scary. In fact, most of the “horror” films that make it onto the cable rotation this time of year are kind of just… funny. Bloody, sure. But funny, at least to my sensibilities.

Which brings me to romantic comedies, which is a genre that I typically avoid. In fact, I generally find all forms of emotional honesty kind of creepy. Maybe it’s my New England repression kicking in, but there are some things you only discuss behind closed doors: religion, and feelings. Especially feelings of the romantic kind. I have legit run away from dudes who tried to kiss me, because I find romance uncomfortable. Not walk. Not speed-walk. RUN. Like, it’s happened more than once.

And rom-coms are FULL of fucking romantic feelings! That’s their whole thing! It’s like a minefield of misunderstandings and immaturity that ends with a happily ever after that is just as unrealistic as Michael Myers disappearing from off that lawn. Slasher villains never stay dead, and somehow the guy always gets the girl. But even in my cold, awkward heart, there is room for a few rom-coms to wriggle their way in.

And I’m not alone. This morning the Overlords started sharing their favorite rom-coms, which is a fascinating window into a person’s soul. Who enjoys Jane Austen adaptations? Who thinks Moonstruck is terrible? Which rom-coms are great because of the secondary “friend” couples? Is Love Actually TOO much of a rom-com to even count anymore? We dug deep. We bared our souls. We may have called each other a few names. Turns out, the guys could name more rom-coms than the women, and we’re all a bunch of fucking softies.

And now we present to you, dear readers, this list of Pajiba-certified romantic comedies. Or at least comedies with some sort of romantic element. Or romances with some humor. Look, we don’t stick to labels. Not all of us even agree on these! Some of them were hard-fought inclusions. But from the controversial to the classics, if these films are on, we won’t change the channel. Enjoy!

- Moonstruck

- Sense & Sensibility

- The Proposal

- Sweet Home Alabama

- 10 Things I Hate About You
Per Genevieve: “The movie starts with Kat Stratford as a smart, stubborn, outspoken feminist with no need for bras, makeup, or trendy clothing who doesn’t have a boyfriend and ends with her as a smart, stubborn, outspoken feminist with no need for bras, makeup, or trendy clothing who has a super hot boyfriend who adores her.” PREACH

- Ever After

- Crazy Stupid Love

- High Fidelity

- About a Boy

- Strictly Ballroom

- The Brothers Bloom

- Ghost Town

- My Best Friend’s Wedding (only for Red Lobster sing along)

- His Girl Friday

- Just Wright

- Hitch

- Don’t Tell Mom The Babysitter’s Dead

- Empire Records

- Stranger Than Fiction

- A Knight’s Tale

- She’s The Man

- 50/50

- Sleepless in Seattle

- Jerry Maguire

- Easy A

- Bringing Up Baby

- Groundhog Day

- While You Were Sleeping

- 500 Days of Summer

- Spectacular Now

- Going the Distance

- Definitely Maybe

- The Apartment

- The Girl Next Door

- Grosse Point Blank

- Forgetting Sarah Marshall

- Enough Said

- Bridget Jones’s Diary

- Tangled

- Garden State (ugh, fine Petr — happy now?)

And finally, the best rom-com of all time because I’m the one writing this list (and I’ve got TK willing to die on this hill with me): A Life Less Ordinary