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The Best GIFs of the Year

By Petr Navovy | Lists | December 28, 2017 |

By Petr Navovy | Lists | December 28, 2017 |

As we reach the final days of this horrific year I thought it’d be fun if we looked back over the last 12 months through the lens of the dominant format of our time: The GIF. (And for those of you already raising your hand to point out that a bunch of these are, in fact, other not GIFs but other, similar, formats—shush, it’s okay, your contribution would have been very valuable, but shh, take the day off today.)

So without further ado here are some the best little loops of joy to have circulated throughout the web in the last year:

These cosy ideological enemies

Is this art?

Buzz Aldrin is all of us

Remember America

A Brazilian supermarket

That Equifax data breach hearing

Superheroes on the London Tube

This dude

Dog saves a woman


Courtney Love sounding the alarm in 2005

You can’t fool Shaq

Someone tried to throw a rock through a restaurant window

When you need a hero

Hot Fuzz in real life

Hospital infant unit in an earthquake

Trudeau resists

That LA commute

Post-surgery hug


Quickly now

The horror, the horror

Clever girl

Definitely getting smarter

Into orbit

‘Oh, well done, me.’


The hero we need





Petr Knava lives in London and plays music