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The 5 Best Trey Parker & Matt Stone Musical Numbers (Sans Comment)

By Rob Payne | Lists | September 14, 2011 |

By Rob Payne | Lists | September 14, 2011 |

Reading and writing about the possible movie musical adaptation of The Book of Mormon, I was suddenly in the mood to listen to the Trey Parker/Matt Stone musical ouvre. As I did, it then dawned on me that for two guys who are mostly known for potty-mouthed 10 year-olds and immolating absolutely all the sacred cows, the fact that they have made some of the best musicals of the past two decades seemed shocking. And yet, not shocking at all. To celebrate their continued success, I’ve decided to share the masterminds’ Top 5 Musical Numbers (without further commentary*).

Enjoy it, and don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Unless that horse starts singing “Schpadoinkle” and then you’re sort of obligated to look right in that whole area…

(For clarification purposes: “Musical numbers” means an instance of characters breaking out into song, not merely any song in any movie/TV show/play (music videos or concerts would also be ineligible.) And it should go without saying that the below videos are NSFW without some fashionable earbuds or overpriced headphones. Also, TK helped with the last one. Thanks, TK!)

“Let’s Build a Snowman” - Cannibal! The Musical

“Up There” - South Park: The Movie

“Blame Canada” - South Park: The Movie

“So Ronery” - Team America: World Police

“Hasa Diga Eebowai” - The Book of Mormon

Honorable Mention Because I Love The Song Regardless Of It Not Being A “Musical Number” Like Some Asshole Said It Had To Be - “America, Fuck Yeah” - Team America

* Because I’d be no good at telling you exactly why these are the five best. They just are.
:drops mic:

Rob Payne also writes the indie comic The Unstoppable Force, co-hosts the podcast We’re Not Fanboys, and sometimes breaks out into song on the Stage Twitter @RobOfWar.