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Casting Captain Planet: Heavy Is The Head That Wears The Mullet.

By Jodi Smith | Lists | June 28, 2013 |

By Jodi Smith | Lists | June 28, 2013 |

Sure, Funny or Die already gave us Don Cheadle is Captain Planet. However, Sony seems to think that this isn’t enough and is moving forward with a live-action Captain Planet movie that, if it actually comes to fruition, will be produced by Mark Gordon (Source Code), Don Murphy(Transformers), and Susan Montford (Real Steel).

This might seem like good news to those of you that watched the environmental hero in the 90s. If this movie gets off the ground, it will need someone to portray the embodiment of Earth’s security system. You need a Captain Planet that can rock a mullet like nobody’s business. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen an episode, so I’m highly qualified to cast this role.

Jon Hamm


John Stamos


David Spade


Bill Hader


Danny McBride


Nicolas Cage


Billy Ray Cyrus


Scarlett Johanson
