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As A Kid, What Weird Habit Did You Pick Up From Movies?

By Jodi Smith | Lists | June 7, 2017 |

By Jodi Smith | Lists | June 7, 2017 |

My Mom’s favorite movie is Overboard (except when her favorite is Better Off Dead or The Princess Bride), so I saw it a lot as a child. I watched it so much, in fact that I picked up a habit from Katherine Helmond’s character, Edith. In one scene, she taps under her chin to tighten the area and avoid the dreaded double-chin, I suppose. All these years later, I found myself on the couch last night, tapping my hand under my chin.

Lord Castleton: I started using a piece of buttered white bread to butter ears of corn after seeing it in a movie. I think it was War Games?

Lainey: The main one I can remember is: Flashdance - taking her bra off under her sweatshirt and pulling it out the sleeve. I TOTALLY did that (and still do)!

Petr: Mine’s extra levels stupid: Guy Pearce in Memento does this little thing sometimes when he adjusts the strap of the Polaroid camera he’s carrying on his shoulder underneath his jacket. He sorta jogs his shoulder up a little bit and runs his other hand up it real quick, underneath the jacket. I did that for a good few years, despite no jacket or camera.

So, what strange habit did you pick up from movies?