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A Look Back At Rock The Vote's Attempts To Get Young People To The Polls

By Jodi Smith | Lists | November 6, 2018 |

By Jodi Smith | Lists | November 6, 2018 |


MTV used to play music videos and used to be socially and politically relevant with MTV news that involved actual news. They also partnered with Rock the Vote to push their young audience to go out and vote in elections. There were some very interesting outcomes when the non-profit organization used MTV’s celebrity clout to put out espouse the importance of voting. Now, thanks to the internet, we can watch and laugh at some of these bonkers attempts to reach the generations that just wanted their MTV.

Motley Crue Frontman Vince Neil - 1990

Deee-Lite - 1992

Donny Osmond - 1980s

Madonna - 1990

En Vogue - 1992

Sir Mix-A-Lot - 1992

Anthony Kiedis - 1990

Megadeth - 1990

Lenny Kravitz - 1990

Chris Cornell