By Jodi Smith | Lists | September 9, 2015 |
By Jodi Smith | Lists | September 9, 2015 |
Kim Davis, the gift that just keeps on disappointing, was very publicly taken to task over her use of Survivor’s “Eye of the Tiger” when she emerged from jail a plain, 90s-era butterfly. Davis should have known better than to use the theme song of Rocky III to celebrate being that asshole that doesn’t do her job. I’ve come up with five songs better suited to mark the occasion of a bigot being let out of prison. Let’s listen up, shall we?
5. “Everything About You” by Ugly Kid Joe
This 90s gem not only matches Davis’ fashion sense, but it also sums up her feelings about anyone different from her. It also serves as a singalong declaration about how most of us feel about people that think they are above the law and get to decide what love is and who deserves to get married.
4. “Fuck You” by Lily Allen
Perhaps Davis and her best pal Mike Huckabee could have bleeped this song and played it defiantly and cluelessly to their critics. It would have been just delicious to know that Allen’s song decries everything the pair seem to stand for.
3. “Somebody Hates Me” by Reel Big Fish
“Hey hey hey heeeey! Somebody hates me , and I hate somebody too…Somebody like you!”
2. “The Underdog” by Spoon
You see, Davis sees herself as the underdog, but she’s really the person that doesn’t take the time to talk to or understand others.
1. “Keep It Clean (Hot Buns) by Foo Fighters
‘Nuff said.