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13 Iconic Video Game Noises That Should Be In The Background Of Every Movie

By Petr Navovy | Lists | February 25, 2016 |

By Petr Navovy | Lists | February 25, 2016 |

You all know the Wilhelm Scream.

Even if you don’t know you know the Wilhelm Scream, you know the Wilhelm Scream.

It’s a stock sound effect that’s been used hundreds of times in movies and TV shows since its original appearance in 1951’s Distant Drums.

Here, check it out:

Now you’ll hear it everywhere.

Spongebob Squarepants has a similar thing:

Anyway, this got me thinking. There’s a lot of classic video game noises that should — like the Wilhelm Scream — definitely, absolutely be inserted subtly into the background of as many movies as possible.

1. Metal Gear Solid - Guards alerted

Use: Whenever guards are alerted, or a protagonist realises something.
Example: This scene at 0:58 when Black Widow jumps the Winter Soldier.

2. Assassin’s Creed - Guard: ‘Go away!’

Use: Whenever someone wanders into an area they shouldn’t be in.
Example: Said from off-screen when Jack and Rose climb up onto the prow of the Titanic.

Or, even better, and pertaining to Jack and Rose, the proclamation at 1:20 here

3. Halo - Elite noises

Use: Fill the Mos Eisley cantina with this.
Example: Star Trek Into Darkness, when Kirk and whoever it is with him in that scene at the start are running away from the locals on the strange red planet.

4. Tomb Raider

Use: Whenever any character looks tired after exertion. The younger the character the better.
Example: Any time during The Raid when they catch their breath in between the slaughter.

5. PlayStation One start-up noise

Use: Whenever anything absolutely amazing is discovered.
Example: The moment they first see the living dinosaurs in Jurassic Park. Forget the iconic John Williams score. This is the best noise for any moment of wonder.

6. Tomb Raider - ‘A-ha!’

Use: Whenever someone discovers something that’s good, but not as great so as to warrant the PlayStation start-up noise.

7. The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

Use: The moment just before any character finally snaps.
Example: The start of this

8. Street Fighter - Hadouken

Use: In the middle of any big brawl.

9. Mortal Kombat - ‘Get over here!’

Use: Any time someone falls into someone’s arms.

10. Worms - ‘Incoming’

Use: Just before any big explosion or environmental destruction.
Example: Just before the chicken truck explodes in 22 Jump Street.

11. Final Fantasy VIII - Battle entry

Use: Whenever a fight is about to break out.

12. Pacman - Waka Waka

Use: Whenever someone eats something furiously.

13. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Fus Ro Dah

Use: Whenever anyone is suddenly pushed over or falls.


Petr Knava plays music, and also a lot of video games.