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JDL SNL Promo.jpg

'SNL': Big Zit Cindy Was A Real Thing, and Really Disgusting

By Emily Cutler | Saturday Night Live | April 14, 2016 |

By Emily Cutler | Saturday Night Live | April 14, 2016 |

So here’s what we learned from Julia Louis-Dreyfuss’ Saturday Night Live promo:

1. Julia Louis-Dreyfus produces more funny material in a minute than Russell Crowe does in an entire show.

2. The “Big Zit Cindy” thing? That was a real skit. Also it’s disgusting.

2a. The 80s were a weird goddamn time.

2b. Never, ever, ever under any circumstances search for “SNL big zit” on You Tube. We, as a society, are so fucked.