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Your WTF Politics Round-Up: Bush's Anchor Babies And Trump's Alabama

By Kristy Puchko | Politics | August 21, 2015 |

By Kristy Puchko | Politics | August 21, 2015 |

No wonder Jon Stewart left The Daily Show. Who needs to make comedy about American politics when the stories themselves are such goddamn jokes?

Your week in the WTF politics:

Donald Trump made insulting other reality TV star’s hotness a part of his campaign. Because…immigrants? (Pajiba)

In other insane Trump news, his people claim that 1/5 of the population of Mobile, Alabama is expected to turn out to his next campaign stop, necessitating a move to a bigger venue. Unknown is how many are coming for “shits and giggles.” (CNN)

Republican dark horse Deez Nuts is gaining on Trump, but is also ineligible to be president, because (shocker) he’s a teenager. (Pajiba, The New York Times)

“Traditional family values” lobbyist Josh Duggar is having a tough week. (Pajiba)

Taking a break from standing up for oppressed menfolk, Fox News spoke out about how hard it is to be white nowadays. (HuffPo)

The Dottie’s Sister of the Republican race, Jeb Bush, is under fire for describing the children born in the U.S. to foreign-born parents as “anchor babies.” (NBC)

Social media maven/Presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton fired back with a Twitter double-tap.

Clinton also let slip she’s a time traveller as evidenced by this pic. I mean, that is a young Hil hanging with Silicon Valley star T.J. Miller, right? #throwforwardthursday

And despite leaving us in our time of need, Stewart might be our savior from all this madness all the same. A petition requesting the comedian host a 2016 presidential debate is blowing up, already earning 146,000 signatures. If it hits 150k, he has to do it, right? Like then it’s a presidential mandate? (

Kristy Puchko can’t even sometimes.