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Twitter Copes With The Midterms With "Me Voting" Meme

By Kristy Puchko | Politics | November 6, 2018 |

By Kristy Puchko | Politics | November 6, 2018 |


If you possess a functioning soul, then the journey from election day 2016 to election day 2018 has been harrowing, to say the least. We’ve seen our “new normal” go from “this is fine” memes to batshit insanity on the daily. And it has us down but not out! The midterms are upon us and with them the chance to deal the Trump administration a big blow that even that bigoted blowhard can’t ignore! And this furious wish is crashing ahead of any wave (blue or red) on Twitter with a playful but bittersweet new meme.

Here are the people of Twitter sharing their journeys and pop culture savvy with “Me voting in 2016 Vs Me voting in 2018.”

Be the hot Captain America you want to see in the world. Go vote.