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The Best Thing To Come Out Of This Kim Davis Business

By Kristy Puchko | Politics | September 4, 2015 |

By Kristy Puchko | Politics | September 4, 2015 |

Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis has taken a stand against marriage equality, refusing to acknowledge the SCOTUS decision that’s legalized same-sex marriage nationwide. She’s not only refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, but also has been blocking her deputies from doing so. (Though she did unknowingly issue one to a trans man, because even self-righteous garbage-people have off days.)

Davis can’t be fired because she was elected to the job she refuses to do. But she can—and has!—be thrown into jail for contempt of court. And through all this, this grim 49-year-old Democrat has snagged the national spotlight as a polarizing figure. Supporters of “traditional marriage” “religious freedom” government-sanctioned homophobia see Davis as a patriot. Among that camp is Presidential wannabe/ Ellen Page-nemesis Ted Cruz.

Others categorize Davis’s behavior as “defiant.”
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Around these parts, we just call her a bigot.

While the nation debates what Davis’s stand means, whether it’s noble or whether it’s putting her on the wrong side of history (spoiler: it’s the latter), we’d like to focus on the joy Davis’s behavior has brought us. Because it’s Friday, and also fuck her hypocritical “been married and divorced three times, had children out of wedlock, but will judge you for your gay ‘lifestyle’” ass.

The Twitter parody account Sitnexto Kim Davis allows us to consider the plight of an unsung victim in all this mayhem, the poor unidentified co-worker who has to deal with Davis and her bullshit every day. Behold her struggle!

H/T The New York Times, NBC News

Kristy Puchko hopes Kim Davis inspires a new Orange Is The New Black character.