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Ted Koppel Read Sean Hannity To Filth

By Kristy Puchko | Politics | March 27, 2017 |

By Kristy Puchko | Politics | March 27, 2017 |

It’s fitting that the weekend RuPaul’s Drag Race premiered its ninth season, veteran newsman Ted Koppel took to CBS Sunday Morning to read Fox News host Sean Hannity to filth.


It begins with Hannity laying on thick that same old schtick that every Fox News hack does about how they are not newsmen—like Koppel—but that their business is opinions, not news. When Koppel seems unimpressed with Hannity’s argument and bullying bravado, Hannity asks directly, “Do you think I’m bad for America?” And Koppel responds, calmly and directly. And it is glorious.

So watching this video, you can see Hannity feeling hurt. Or:

But Koppel is all like:


“You are very good at what you do,” Koppel allowed, adding, “You have attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts.”


Liberal Twitter absolutely gagged for the realness of Koppel’s calm takedown of the pageant queen Hannity. So, of course Hannity had to respond like a total Phi Phi O’Hara:


Oh, hunty. You missed the point so hard I’m afraid you might have busted that mug.
