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Supposedly Grown Adults Are Being A**holes To Parkland Survivors Again - Because Of Clear Backpacks

By Jodi Smith | Politics | April 2, 2018 |

By Jodi Smith | Politics | April 2, 2018 |


Instead of common sense gun laws or figuring out how to actually protect all kids in every school everywhere, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students have been given clear backpacks to protect them. No, seriously.

Instead of doing something about murder weapons, kids are being given clear backpacks so that they can’t conceal weapons in it. Because it’s impossible to conceal a weapon in a clear backpack, due to the inability to stuff it full of clothes or other items to hide the gun. In response, MSD students are putting tags on the backpacks to represent the price of their lives - based on the money their sorry senator Marco Rubio has been given by the NRA.

Of course, lots of imbeciles on Twitter have decided that the student opposition to the backpacks infringing on their rights is somehow the same as wanting to regulate guns - NOT TAKE THEM AWAY, YOU GODDAMNED MONSTERS - and they are openly mocking teenagers. TEENAGERS WHO SAW THEIR FRIENDS KILLED IN FRONT OF THEM. TEENS WHO JUST WANT TO FEEL SAFE AT SCHOOL. ARE BEING MOCKED BY PEOPLE WHO HOLD GUNS IN MORE ESTEEM THAN HUMAN LIFE.

Literally, I don’t even know what this tweet means:


Comparing a backpack to a gun, which makes so little sense that it seems like no one’s brain could actually believe this:


Fear not, many adults aren’t wearing their asses as hats and are tweeting their support.

Welcome to America, where we treasure guns more than people.