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Show Your Liberal Agenda By Shopping At Target On Black Friday

By Kristy Puchko | Politics | November 23, 2016 |

By Kristy Puchko | Politics | November 23, 2016 |

The Christmas season is upon us. And that means not only lots of shopping for our loved ones, but also lots of promoting of political agendas through our spending dollars.

Conservatives are having all kinds of boycotts, rejecting great things like Netflix and Oreos because they support Donald Trump. And when they’re not boycotting, they’re making the lives of Starbucks employees uncomfortable by demanding they say “Trump” while handing out luxury-priced coffee as part of their minimum wage job. But that’s not all! Some conservatives have enough rage over bathroom bills and gendered toy aisles to target Target with a boycott this holiday season.

You can watch the call to action below, but the gist is this: “We don’t want to pay for Target’s liberal agenda. That’s why this Christmas season we’re shopping anywhere but Target.”

#AnywhereButTARGET also boasts a pledge on their website asking supporters to not “fund Target’s dangerous social agenda.” Bold and italics emphasis theirs. They go on:

“Not only has Target publicly advertised that its stores’ gender specific facilities—changing rooms and bathrooms—are open to all comers, regardless of biological sex, but Target has also stood by the policy, despite falling revenues.

It’s time to make Target understand that there are consequences for supporting a radical movement that is determined to redefine marriage, gender, and, ultimately, the 1st Amendment.”

Target sales have plummeted since their policy embraced people using whichever bathroom they felt most comfortable in, leading to a costly renovation that would allow the store to stand by their ethics while attempting to appease conservatives the transphobic. But liberal dollars speak too. So, I’ll be making sure to spend dough at Target on Black Friday. I urge you to do the same, in store or online. Maybe double down by buying an easy bake oven for your nephew. You can even use the #AnywhereButTARGET to show off your Target bags.

Kristy Puchko bought her Golden Girls action figures from Target.