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Melania Trump Claims She's 'The Most Bullied Person In The World,' Twitter Begs To Differ

By Kristy Puchko | Politics | October 11, 2018 |

By Kristy Puchko | Politics | October 11, 2018 |


When promoting Be Best, First Lady Melania Trump revealed that her inspiration for her anti-bullying campaign is herself. “I could say I’m the most bullied person in the world,” she declared in a Good Morning America interview.

Uh huh. Twitter users had some thoughts about Mrs. Trump’s bold claim.

Real talk, it must be tough to be Melania Trump. She’s been slut-shamed for her work as a model, which sometimes included nude photo shoots. She’s derided as a “gold digger” for marrying Donald Trump. She’s been judged for what she wears, which is normally something we feminists at Pajiba would call out as sexist and ridiculous. But, Melania, you got called out for wearing a coat that said, “I don’t really care do u?” when you were visiting migrant children who had been separated from their parents by your husband’s blatantly racist policies. You recently asked that people judge you by your actions and not your clothes. Which, again, is an argument we’d, in theory, agree with. Except that your clothes ARE a part of your actions when they openly mock the people you’re supposed to be engaging with!

And as a flood of tweets have pointed out over and over, it is either wildly ignorant or blatantly hypocritical for you to head an anti-bullying campaign while your husband mocks sexual assault survivors at rallies, slanders Mexican migrants on the regular, targets reporters on Twitter, and proudly offers mocking nicknames for his political opponents. I don’t doubt that you feel you’re being bullied. But this self-pitying comment shows you have little perspective of the suffering that’s going on outside your ivory Trump Tower, or the bullying your husband is trumpeting out of the White House. Either that, or you really don’t care, do you? I mean, if the jacket fits.