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Marjorie Taylor Greene Can't Rap And Neither Can Forgiato Blow

By Jen Maravegias | Politics | July 17, 2023 |

By Jen Maravegias | Politics | July 17, 2023 |


If there were really going to be a culture war, conservative Republicans prove time and again that they would be the biggest losers. The latest example of what not to do when trying to release a rap single is Forgiato Blow’s MGT, which is an ode to “MAGA MVP” Marjorie Taylor Greene. It’s embarrassingly bad. Well, we know they have no sense of embarrassment so I’ll be embarrassed enough for everyone involved with this sonic junkpile.

Knowing how we all feel about direct Twitter links, MTG, MAGA chuds, and bad music, I’m just going to link to the brief about this video and y’all can decide for yourselves if you want to watch it. On the one hand, it’s amazingly awful. On the other, it’s one minute and forty-two seconds of your life you’ll never get back.

Pro-tip for Forgiato Blow (born Kurt Jantz,) it takes more than a drum machine and a whip to make a good rap video. My 12-year-old spits better rhymes than this “Mayor of MAGAville.” Even under the best circumstances, Marjorie Taylor Greene is an embarrassment to white women everywhere. This video turns her cringe factor up to eleven.

Previous “hits” by Forgiato Blow include Boycott Target, Let’s Go Brandon, and Trump Saved The USA. That last one heavily samples Springsteen’s Born In The U.S.A, proving once again that no one on the Right actually understands that song.

Jantz really wants to be a respected rapper. That ain’t ever gonna happen. And MTG desperately wants to be cool, but that’s never going to happen either. She’s quoted in Newsweek as saying

Most rap videos exploit women, glorify drugs and violence, but Forgiato Blow’s new video is about calling out the left’s grooming agenda and protecting our children from genital mutilation

Typical of MTG, that quote ignores Forgiato’s earlier single that was, indeed, about violence against women.

In this Vice interview from 2022, Forgiato is proud of never having read a single book in his life. I’m sure his mama is proud of that too. Maybe, if he had read at least one book ever, he’d write better rhymes.