By Jodi Smith | Politics | December 5, 2017 |
By Jodi Smith | Politics | December 5, 2017 |
Around noon yesterday, Senator John McCain tweeted out the following:
We're only 74 Twitter followers away from 3M - spread the word & help us reach this big milestone!
— John McCain (@SenJohnMcCain) December 4, 2017
It did not go well for him since he, you know, voted to pass the Republican Tax Bill last week. The one that completely nullified his stunt of voting no to repeal the Affordable Care Act. The one that screwed over tons of Americans.
The tweet prompted more than 24,000 comments that all seem to be negative. People retweeted the inane plea with the hashtag #UnfollowMcCain. It was GLORIOUS.
Since I am still recovering from a recent stroke, the only milestone I care about is living to my next birthday - which will be a challenge since you, #Trump and your #GOP cronies seem intent on taking my healthcare away and ensuring I can't afford my meds.
— Bobbi Dempsey (@bobbidempsey) December 4, 2017
It really has always been about the limelight with you, hasn't it? Regular order my ass.
— Tomm (@SumTomGoingOn) December 4, 2017
I would have gladly followed you anywhere a month ago. Now I’m bitterly disappointed in you.
— Nancy W. Kobus (@TellaGram51) December 4, 2017
Maybe you should be more concerned with actually reading the tax bill you voted for to enrich yourself rather than begging for Twitter followers.
— Sherri D (@ncwannabe) December 4, 2017
So instead of being 74 followers from 3 million, McCain is now 22,382 followers from that milestone. It’s the little actions of civil disobedience that can really make your week, don’t you agree?