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The President Has An Evangelical Advisory Board and A Member Says There Is No Flu Season

By Jodi Smith | Politics | February 6, 2018 |

By Jodi Smith | Politics | February 6, 2018 |


Hi, first of all, Trump has an Evangelical Executive Advisory Board made up of more than twenty right-wing conservative Christian priests, pastors, and Jesusy people. This board is fairly less than Christian, heralding the president’s decision to rescind DACA as “…a major win for the faith advisory council,” which was the exact opposite of most other religious leaders outside of the White House.

The Advisory Board is an unofficial one, possibly to steer clear of allegations that Trump is attempting to form a state religion. As Richard Painter, chief ethics lawyer for President George W. Bush put it:

“I don’t think the [faith] council could have any official role in the U.S. government consistent with the First Amendment of the Constitution”

So if you were wondering if right-wing Christianity was wooing the easily swayed orange in the White House, the answer to that is yes.

Among the members of the Advisory Board are televangelist Gloria Copeland, who posted a video on the Facebook page of the megachurch she and her husband founded.

Well. A few thoughts.

First of all, “I am asking you Lord, with your supernatural power…”? Did Ricky Bobby write this slow-talking con artist’s script? “Lord Jesus, with your power derived from the Eye of Agamotto, please take these symptoms of the flu and send them into the Dimension of Healing and Also Stuff That Doesn’t Exist or Have A Season. AMEN.”

Then “flu, I BIND YOU” takes us into a sharp turn toward The Craft where Copeland calls the corners with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost to make sure the flu can’t ruin our lives by killing our love interests and making us outcasts in high school.

“Jesus himself gave us the flu shot”. This one? This one needs to be a bumper sticker.


Then we come to Copeland’s insistence that if you just keep saying you’ll never have the flu, you will never have the flu. I call bull on this since every day I say “You will be Deadpool. You will be Deadpool…” and I’m only 30% of the way there, tops.

Honestly, this entire line of idiocy shouldn’t even be surprising, but here we are. We shouldn’t be surprised that yet another group of people are whispering into the hollow space between the president’s ear in an effort to curry favor for their own beliefs and policies, but somehow an Evangelical Executive Advisory Board such as this one causes us to pause.

We shouldn’t be surprised in the age of vaccination conspiracy theorists when a woman who had a measles outbreak in her megachurch in 2013 is now telling her flock that the flu is imaginary and praying will keep them safe. Yet, here we are.

The flu is real. Dying from the flu is very, very real. Get your flu shot, people. Don’t follow deranged lines of thought coming from people who live in million dollar houses built with money they collected for God. They aren’t doctors. They’re con artists.