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Want To See The Big Penis Someone Made For Trump's UK State Visit? Of Course You Do!

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Politics | June 3, 2019 |

By Kayleigh Donaldson | Politics | June 3, 2019 |

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Much to the delight of literally nobody, Donald Trump has touched down in the UK for a state visit. Brits everywhere have been hoarding their milkshake supplies for this very occasion, all while the British press get into mealy-mouthed ‘debates’ over how dignified we should treat this occasion because it’s moral high-ground or some nonsense like that. London Mayor Sadiq Khan has already said we shouldn’t give him the red carpet treatment and compared him to ‘the fascists of the 20th century’. Trump of course called him a loser because he can’t help himself, but hey, we got the balloon back!

So while our Royals pretend that they’re above this and Boris Johnson tries to suck up to the cretinous buffoon of comparable hair management who endorsed him for Tory leader, Brits nationwide are protesting in their own unique ways. And what is more inimitably British and representative of our humour and derring-do than a good old fashioned d*ck joke?

Ollie Nancarrow, a student and activist who runs the upcycling site, decided to go big in his hope to draw attention to the topic of climate change. He put in the hard work and made sure his stiff message got to the point. You can’t go soft on a topic this serious. Hope Trump chokes on it.

We’ll keep you up to date when the Trump visit gets even more embarrassing or if someone throws milkshake on him.