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This Week on Podjiba: 'The Outsider', 'Jeopardy', and More With Guest Host Roxana!

By Dan Hamamura | Podcasts | January 15, 2020 |

By Dan Hamamura | Podcasts | January 15, 2020 |


Tori was off this week, but we (thankfully) were able to get Roxana to guest host on this week’s episode, where we talked about WAY too much television (as usual), including:

- Dustin’s first Manifest Corner of the year, which includes a surprising real-life mystery!

- A look at last week’s The Good Place, which Dan will continue to defend!

- Some thoughts on Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, which previewed and then doesn’t come back until next month!

- We pick our favorites on the Jeopardy: Greatest of All Time tournament!

- And all three of us discuss what we thought about new HBO mini-series The Outsider!

NOTE: Spoilers for all of these, as usual, as well as the movie Uncut Gems, which came up in the rant.

SECOND NOTE: Dan does not, nor has he ever, disliked Timothy Olyphant, despite statements made to the contrary by the other hosts. (Publisher’s Note: I really just don’t understand why you hate Timothy Olyphant so much! It’s VERY strange, and feels very personal. — DR)

Hope you enjoy the episode, and never forget that #Dustincheats!

Header Image Source: Hulu/ABC