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The Kardashians Are Wasting Water Now, Too

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | August 23, 2022 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | August 23, 2022 |


While Kylie Jenner continues to take a private jet three blocks away to the mall — only a slight exaggeration — Kim and Kourtney Kardashian have both been cited as the worst celebrity offenders of over-using water during a drought in California. Sly Stallone and Kevin Hart are also on the list, but their names don’t click as well, so I’m only mentioning them now. (AV Club)

Chloe and Halle Bailey’s candid interview for an Essence cover story has made Stephanie a fan. (Lainey Gossip)

Tom Hardy won a celebrity Jiu-Jitsu competition. Neat? (Dlisted)

Brad Pitt took part in a Buddhist “purification ritual” to promote Bullet Train, and of course, he brought cameras along. (Celebitchy)

Damn, Nicole Kidman got ripped as hell. (Daily Beast)

From Roxana:

From James: This whole thread is great, but Jamie’s response broke me.

From Petr:

From Seth: It’s nice to see the Dems actually do effective things. More of this please. (And f*ck SCOTUS.)

From Kayleigh:

PA gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano is apparently pulling evangelical randos out of churches to be his armed security team. Nothing concerning there! (Lancaster Online)

John Turturro wants to write a book about Christopher Walken called “Talkin’ and Walken,” and oh my god, this needs to happen. (IndieWire)

So maybe The Batman 2 is safe after all. (Deadline)

Jomidi may have found an all time favorite read in Gabrielle Zevin’s Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow. "I loved these three main characters. I was thrilled with their successes, and crushed by their failures, I didn’t want their story to end." Is this one on your "to be read" pile? (Cannonball Read 14)