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'The Flash' Bombed Because of... Women and Grandmas?

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | January 12, 2025 |

Header Image Source: Warner Bros.

Director Andy Muschietti recently opened up about The Flash completely bombing at the box office, and he’s come up with a theory why: “It wasn’t a movie that appealed to all four quadrants. It failed at that. When you spend $200 million making a movie, [Warner Bros.] wants to bring even your grandmother to the theaters.” However, that part proved difficult because further research showed that women across the board do not give one sh*t about The Flash as a character. And maybe all of that did work against the film, but I can’t help but note that the lead actor was a one-person crime machine who may or may not have started a cult. Probably didn’t help! (Variety)

Dave Grohl and Jordyn Blum seem to be… still together? (Lainey Gossip)

Credit where credit is due: Harry and Meghan put in the work. (Celebitchy)

Pop Quiz! Is knowing things good, or nah, f*ck it? (Wonkette)

Release Rob Lowe’s cocaine-fueled Toto demo. (Vulture)

From Andrew: Something good happened!

NEW YORK (AP) — The Yankees fans who interfered with Mookie Betts during the World Series have been banned from all MLB games.

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— Phil Lewis ( January 10, 2025 at 4:42 PM

As if trans people aren’t going through enough things, Dave Chappelle is hosting SNL this week. Thanks, Lorne. (LateNighter)

From Dustin: I’ve never loved Michael Shannon more. He has a band. They’re going on tour. They’re only playing REM songs mostly from Fables of Reconstruction. (YouTube)

Cynthia Erivo wants to join the X-Men. (A.V. Club)

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— The Onion ( January 11, 2025 at 1:05 PM

Mandy Moore defends sharing GoFundMe for family members. (The Cut)

From Jen: How two words from a 24-year-old Pasadena climate specialist saved hundreds of lives. (Local News Pasadena)

Why do good things constantly happen to bad people? (THR)

New Cannonballer suldavis has started off with The Message by Ta-Nehisi Coates, about the ways language shapes power and its resistance. “The introductory section, ‘Journalism Is Not a Luxury,’ addresses just that: the essential role in language and journalism, recording history, in fighting injustice.” What is on your nonfiction list for 2025? (Cannonball Read 17)

In 1977, Vincent Price starred in a one-man-show where he played openly gay Oscar Wilde; it was condemned by Anita Bryant. When asked about her condemnation, Price replied that Wilde had already written a play about Anita: “A Woman of No Importance”

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— Steven Philip Senski ( January 10, 2025 at 6:32 AM