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Terry Crews Thinks Actors Should Be ‘Grateful’ to Work for Free

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | February 28, 2024 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | February 28, 2024 |


As actors like Taraji P. Henson highlight the chronic and well-documented pay disparity for women in general, let alone women of color, Terry Crews would like everyone to know that he was “grateful” to work on Training Day for “nothing” and that’s the attitude more people should have. My man, you did not have to say all of this. C’mon. (THR)

Will Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes finally appear on the red carpet together? (Lainey Gossip)

The bad Naomi is pretty sure no one has seen a pregnant woman since COVID, which is fascinating because my neighbor is due at any minute and literally every supermarket checkout in America is rife with crying babies at any moment. Lady, what? (Wonkette)

From Kayleigh: Inside the podcast exposing the Saudi bot army mobilized to take down Amber Heard. (British GQ)

Wendy’s was never going to price gouge you for a cheeseburger. Why would you think that besides the announcement of new digital menu boards that will allow them to do exactly that at any time? (Quartz)

The other day “Mychal the Librarian” revealed he was leaving his day job to focus on his mental health. Well, that story just took a genuinely delightful twist. (BOTWC)

Did Beyoncé rip off… the Franklin theme song? (Uproxx)

From Seth: This dude’s got zero rizz. (Instagram)

The Intercept, Raw Story, and Alternet are suing both OpenAI and Microsoft for copyright infringement. Let’s go! (The Verge)

Turns out putting streaming shows on broadcast TV works really freaking well, so Paramount is going to keep doing that. (Link)

Frogbandocto thought Zadie Smith’s The Fraud sounded like it was written just for her, but she was frustrated by its focus. “Despite all my issues with this book, the parts that worked really worked.” Which Zadie Smith work should she try next? (Cannonball Read 16)