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So Olivia Munn and John Mulaney Might Still Be Together

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | October 27, 2021 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | October 27, 2021 |


According to sources close to Olivia Munn, who are totally Olivia Munn, she and John Mulaney are still so together, that they’re actually on a trip right now. But should it appear that things are going south, Olivia also would like the record to show that she never wanted a “conventional” relationship anyway. She’s a feminist, you guys. (Dlisted)

Angelina Jolie dodges questions about The Weeknd. (Lainey Gossip)

Mark Zuckerberg is being sued for employing a racist who hated Meghan Markle. (Celebitchy)

Meghan McCain cuts ties with Lindsey Graham after he revealed that Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump did not crash MY FATHER’s funeral. (Daily Beast)

From Petr: An excellent distinction between Vin Diesel and Jason Momoa in regards to the essence of rad. (Twitter)

Bill Murray is either in Ant-Man 3 or lying to Germans. (io9)

From James: Fortunately, pennies are non-ferrous and won’t interact with the vaccine’s magnetic properties.

Joe Rogan went after Pete Buttigieg’s paternity leave. Of course. (Mediaite)

These pastors are telling people Trump is still president and are ready for war. (Vice)

James Wan has revealed that the now-canceled Aquaman spinoff, The Trench, was secretly a solo Black Manta movie. Why the hell would Warner Bros. hide that? Do they want people to not want to see their movies? Goddamn. (AV Club)

Elderberrywine found Robert Walser’s Little Snow Landscape a lovely collection of short prose. She particularly enjoyed his story of a walk from Münich to Würzberg. "The theme of this story could be "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Idiot", and it really is delightful." Do you have a favorite prose writer? (Cannonball Read 13)